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Help us on our mission of finding a cure for INAD/PLAN:

Rizkya R

3 Years Old | Indonesia

About This Superstar

Age of Diagnosis
2 tahun 7 bulan
– Translation: 2 years 7 months

Finding A Diagnosis:
Saya mendapatkan diagnosa INAD pada awal tahun 2021 sebenarnya sangat bersyukur…dan tim dokter bekerja sama selama 3 bln untuk menegakkan diognosa.

– Translation: I received a diagnosis of INAD in early 2021. I am actually very grateful…and the team of doctors worked together for 3 months to establish the diagnosis.

How INAD Has Impacted Their Life
Awalny KIA tumbuh seperti anak anak yang lain.dia pinter,ceria,aktif,dia bisa makan sendiri, mengerti apa yang kita suruh, pokoknya dia tumbuh sangat pintar.di usianya yang ke 18 bulan gejala INAD mulai muncul, KIA menjadi anak yang malas.aku tidak tau kalau itu gejala INAD.sebenarny KIA anak ke-2.kakaknya dlu juga mengalami hal yang sama seperti KIA, tetapi kakaknya sudah lebih dulu pulang kepangkuan Tuhan. INAD sungguh mencuri semua keceriaan KIA sedikit demi sedikit.

– Translation: At first, KIA grew like other children. She was smart, cheerful, active, she could eat on her own, understood what we told her, basically she grew very smart. At the age of 18 months, INAD symptoms began to appear, KIA became a lazy child. I don’t know if it’s a symptom of INAD. Actually, KIA is the 2nd child. Her older sister also experienced the same thing as KIA, but her older sister had already returned to God’s arms. INAD really stole all the fun of KIA little by little.

Favorite Activities

KIA suka mendengarkan lantunan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an, melihat ikan di kolam, jalan jalan sore ke taman.

– Translation: KIA likes to listen to the verses of the Qur’an, see fish in the pond, take an afternoon walk to the park.

Favorite Foods

Kia suka sekali makan buah naga…karena sekarang otot menelannya mulai berkurang dan sekarang KIA sudah menggunakan nasogastric tube/ selang makan dari hidung

– Translation: Kia loves to eat dragon fruit…because now her swallowing muscles are starting to decrease and now KIA is using a nasogastric tube / feeding tube from the nose

Favorite Television/Movie Character
Dulu KIA suka kartun,suka program televisi tentang hewan hewan.
– Translation: In the past, KIA liked cartoons, and liked television programs about animals.

Favorite Books

KIA suka buku bergambar hewan hewan,suka buku dengan warna warna yang menarik.

– Translation: KIA likes animal picture books, likes books with attractive colors.

Parent’s Favorite Motto or Expression
Saya harus semangat,kuat demi anakku. semoga para peneliti segera menemukan obat untuk INAD.anak INAD berhak hidup mendapatkan kesehatan seperti anak lainy.

– Translation: I have to be strong, strong for my child. I hope the researchers will soon find a cure for INAD. INAD children have the right to live and get healthy like other children.

What They Would Like the World to Know About Their Experience Living with INAD
Hello…. INAD memang ada tapi saya berharap pertolongan Tuhan akan segera ada.anak INAD juga berhak mendapatkan kualitas hidup yang baik seperti anak yang lain.

– Translation: Hello…. INAD does exist but I hope God’s help will come soon. INAD children also have the right to a good quality of life like other children.

Special Fun Facts
Kami tinggal di Indonesia mempunyai keluarga, teman, kerabat yang selalu mendukung saya.

– Translation: We live in Indonesia, we have family, friends, relatives who always support me.

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